EMM plastro V1.4 for Dreambox

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Super VIP
EMM plastro V1.4 for Dreambox
EMM plastro V1.4
by hsmpt @ GEA/FISC



1. Application


EMMplastro is a software to log, decrypt and analyse N@agra2 EMMs sent by

TVc@bo and Digit@l+ providers in Hisp@sat.

This software comes in two versions: one uses a Dreambox and the other is

intended to be used with a PC-DVB card.


2. Requirements


Dreambox version

- PC with Windows XP

- Dreambox with dvbsnoop

- Net connection between the two

PC-DVB version

- PC with Windows XP

- PC-DVB card (Skystar 1, 2 or compatible)

- DVB application that accepts MD ou DVBCore compatible plugins (ProgDVB,

MyTheatre, etc)

In order to use this software you just need to have access to the data

stream that comes from the antenna. Therefore even without official card,

MOSC, Phoenix, keys or CardShare, it's always possible to use EMMplastro.


3. Installation


Dreambox version

Place in a folder all the files included in the zip, namely:

- EMMplastro.exe - application

- N2hsmpt.dll - N@gra2 EMMs decrypt library

- HIME.dll - Huge Integer Math and Encryption library

- EMMplastro.ini - configuration file

PC-DVB version

Place in the main folder of the DVB application all the files included in

the zip, namely:

- EMMplastro.dll - plugin

- N2hsmpt.dll - N@gra2 EMMs decrypt library

- HIME.dll - Huge Integer Math and Encryption library

- EMMplastro.ini - configuration file


4. Configuration


Before using the software we need to edit a couple of .ini configuration


- EMMplastro.ini - with some of other system's characteristics.

- Keys.ini - with the keys to open the EMM-S/U sent to user's Cards

4.1 EMMplastro.ini

If you are planning to use a Dreambox with EMMplastro it is necessary to

define all the parameters to perform the telnet connection with it. This

is done in the following section:


host= ; Dreambox IP address

port=23 ; Telnet port (23 usually)

user=root ; username

pass=dreambox ; password

prompt=~ > ; Telnet prompt (image dependent!)

4.2 Keys.ini

One factor that made EMMplastro popular was the possibility of decryption

of the EMMs even without the knowledge of any keys since they are already

integrated on N2hsmpt.dll.

This is only true for EMMs sent to all cards (EMM-G). If we want also to

open the EMMs sent to a particular card (EMM-U) or set of cards (EMM-S),

it is necessary to include the respective keys in the Keys.ini.

In section [CAM] we begin to place the number of cards which EMMs we

intend to open followed by their CAM IDs (start by 23 on TVc@bo and by 1B

on Digit@l+). These values must be preceded by the tags ID_1=, ID_2=, ...







Next, the RSA and IDEA keys for each type of EMM (S or U) and provider,

are defined and grouped on a section titled with the proper CAM_ID:


S_RSAM_hi=1234..........5678 ; EMM-S RSA key (provider 4101 or 4901)

S_IKEY_hi=1234...5678 ; EMM-S IDEA key (provider 4101 or 4901)

S_RSAM_lo=1234..........5678 ; EMM-S RSA key (provider 4001 or 4801)

S_IKEY_lo=1234...5678 ; EMM-S IDEA key (provider 4001 or 4801)

U_RSAM_hi=1234..........5678 ; EMM-U RSA key

U_IKEY_hi=1234...5678 ; EMM-U IDEA key



The ellipses in these samples are only to show the possibility of setting

the data for more then one card, so they should not be included in the


I remind that RSAM keys have 192 digits (96 bytes) and the IKEY keys have

32 digits (16 bytes).

Even without any key it is possible to log the EMM-S/U but not decrypt

them. For those without a card, and still curious to decrypt the EMM-S,

the keys from an inactive TVc@bo card will be used (CAM_ID = 23D8741B) if

no keys are specified (N=0). Due to its inactive state, no EMM-U will be


To simplify the building of this .ini file there is a tab in the main

window called "Settings" where it is possible to extract automatically

these keys from the card's dump containing this information (DTs).

For doing that just load the card dump hitting the proper button (after

which the keys will be shown), and press the other button to update the

.ini file. This process can be repeated with other card's dumps.


5. Interface and usage


Besides the two different versions, the user interface is the same.

To Start/Stop the logging process we must click the Active Checkbox in

top right corner.

The default PID employed to log the EMMs is 0x76 for TVc@bo and 0x91 for

Digital+ since these are the most used by the providers. Nevertheless it

is possible to change the PID in the settings tab. This is particular

useful for Digital+ since the update revision EMMs are broadcasted with

PIDs 0xC5 and 0xC6.

All EMMs will be stored in the top list, where a set of parameters will

be presented (logging time, number of occurrences, type, provider, card's

revision and group, main command, etc).

If an EMM can not be decrypt some of this fields will be blanked, and

this fact will be signalized with the word "No" in the "Open" field.

Despite the log of all EMMs we can select which to visualise using a set

of ComboBoxes in the left bottom corner. It is, for instance, possible to

see only the EMMs of a certain type (EMM-G, EMM-S ou EMM_U), with a

particular command, etc. To stop filtering the EMMs visualization by a

certain criterion just select the "All" option. Click Button "All" to

show all EMMs again.

The bottom list is use to show the "parsing" of the opened EMM. In

certain cases, double-clicking a particular line of this list, will show

a window with a more detailed explanation of the command. For instance,

in the case of the Subscription EMM-S from TVc@bo a window showing the

active cards for a particular tier with the corresponding expiration

date is shown.

Some operations can be preformed in each list using the options in their

PopUp menus. It the particular case of the first list it is possible to

Load, Save or Copy the EMMs (eventually in the Phoenix Format), and even

copy all the informations present in the lists (to paste them for Excel

for instance).


6. Bugs and Feedback


This software is on a developing stage so it is natural if some buds show

up. I will be pleased if you could report them or any other suggestions

in order to improve it.


7. Usage Conditions


This software is released as freeware and can be distributed unmodified

by any user of FISC without further limitations. It is designed to be

used as a learning tool. The responsibility to ensure its legal use falls

fully upon the End User.


8. Acknowledgments


I would like to give a special thanks to JoshyFun by making free source

his "Poor Man's CAM 2" plugin code (http://joshyfun.peque.org/PMCAM2),

which allowed the development of EMMplastro plugin easier.

Many other users (specially within GEA/FISC group) gave me a lot of help

during the development of this software, by giving me suggestions,

reporting bugs during Beta tests, share of keys. To all my thanks.


Best Regards

hsmpt @ GEA/FISC
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