Multiboot 6.42b


Staff member
Thx to thowi:

Locking an Image offers now a very simple (no encryption yet) Password Protection against copy over and BOOT of locked images !

With usbdriver (or in install option of menu interface)
you now can load the USB drivers if needed.

DON'T FORGET copy 1,2,3,... from V after the normale image copies
if you want to boot Images from USB until the imagebuilders adaptet their kernels to be linked with USB Drivers instead of having them loadable !


Locken eines Images bietet jetzt einen sehr einfachen (noch unverschlüsselten) Passwortschutz gegen drüberkopieren und BOOTEN gelockter Images !

Mit usbdriver (oder in den install options vom Menu Interface) kann man jetzt die USB Driver nach Bedarf laden !

BITTE NICHT VERGESSEN das copy 1,2,3,... von V nach dem normalen Image copy wenn Ihr nachher die Images von USB booten wollt, bis die Imagebauer Ihre Kernel mit den USB Treibern linken, anstatt sie loadable zu haben.

Multiboot for Dreambox 7025 Version 6.42B by thowi from 28. August 2006
Thanks to noggie and grblmpfh for the basic research in this
area and others that contributed usefull stuff and feedback.
Thanks to 3c5x9 for creating the first python coding in enigma2.
Thanks to noggie and tmbinc for the nfi Image copy program examples.
Thanks for OoZooN for hosting the Multiboot nfi Image Download Center.
Thanks to Reichi for converting the Multiboot plugin icon.
Thanks to noggie for the Linuxkernelbuild with USB drivers included.
Multiboot is FREEWARE, but this means also that nobody takes
responsibility if anything goes wrong ;-)
Release infos
6.0B change partition layout to allow up to 12 MB Image Partitions
and have variable size for first FAT Partition at the beggining
and an extra MB Exchange Partition at the end.
boot now immediately reboots if not next option is spezified.
basic support for shared keymaps, timers and epg - will
be enhanced in later releases
6.1B fixed various bugs and added copy to nfi Image feature
Turbo copy modus is now default to prevent problems
6.2B add Bootable USB suppport
6.26B fix various USB support bugs and merge with 4 Dummies kit
6.28B fix various bugs, add usbdriver option for loading USB drivers
add fdisk -l for controlling Partitionlayout
6.3B fix hopefully most bugs ;-)
change minimal Partitionsize to 78MB to prevent problems with
Exchange Partition size on 256MB cards and sticks.
make copy V when 4 dummies installation on USB is done.
Download Image List can have now up to 32 entries instead of 14
6.4B make FAT Partition on CF FAT16 for sure and maximum 500MB big
add password Protection to Lock Image for copy and boot !
6.42B fix /boot mount problem when doing ipkg installs in MB Partitions