• Discussion in the Admin room about nightly images, we dont really need or want these posting for the following reasons.

    1. We all know where to get them.
    2. Never have a change log.
    3. The changes if any are not worthy of anyone upgrading there boxes on a daily basis.
    4. They clutter the forum up.

    Posts will be removed.


VTi "Vu+ Team Image" - v. 8.2.x - 03.04.2015 (Vu+ Solo SE)


VTi "Vu+ Team Image" - v. 8.2.x - 03.04.2015 (Vu+ Solo SE)

Important Information 14.05.2015

After updating from software dated before 2015/05/14 the tuner setup have to be repeated when unciable is in use.

Update: 14.05.2015

- update drivers (2015-05-11)

fix tuner status information
fix loop through(solose v2)
fix Scart (duo2)

- update dvbapp2 (2015-05-12)

fix line break at TTX subtitles
fix possible crash in networkwizard
do not allow duplicate entries in zaphistory screen
add JESS support by adenin (2015-04-21-adenin) -> THX @adenin
add animation setup to start wizard (solose,duo2,solo2)
change default animation to "simple fade" (solose,duo2,solo2)

- update VTIPanel (ver. 3.01)

VTi ZerO: add option to remove xbmc (solose,duo2,solo2)
VTi ZerO: speed up removing of packages
SoftwareManager: ask for skin selector after installin a skin
SoftwareManager: ask for reboot only when needed

- update AtileHD (ver. 3.0)

add function to search for weather location
split Atile HD in skin and plugin package

- update ****-package nfs-server (ver. 2.2)

fix broken install routine
switch to rpcbind

- update plugin coverfind (ver. 0.9)
- update plugin filebrowservti (ver. 1.3)
- update plugin PictureCenterFS (ver. 6.10)
- update plugin PlanerFS (ver. 6.54)
- update plugin tmdb (ver. 0.5)
- update plugin WebradioFS (ver. 13.14)
- update skin BlackWhite FHD (ver. 1.9)
- update skin BlueWhite FHD (ver. 1.4)
- update skin Full HD (ver. 2.9)
- update skin Revolution FHD (ver. 1.8)
- update skin White FHD (ver. 1.7)
