Feed schedule


Hi everyone,

is there any site where you can find some schedule for feeds across the Europe. I am not talking about live sport feeds and so, talking about news exchange, tv entertainment shows and so on... specially for EBU (but not only for them). Everything what is not live and its sending on satelite feeds for some other channels who will broadcast it later, like for example X Factor USA feeds on Thor for FOX Europe and so on .. those stuff you never know when they will begin and where, so is there any site which is public (ok half-public) where you can see schedule for them :)


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Sat-Benelux forum has an archive where you can see what feeds have been on what satellite.

Quite handy as a lot of feeds like x factor etc use the same satellite and frequencies every week.



Thanx, but this is not what i am asking for

I am not looking for live sport feeds, there is a thousands sites where you can find it. I am looking for feeds which are not live, actually if there is some schedule with frequency where you can find it before they begin. For example, tommorrow at 7PM on 7e was active Eurovision 60th anniversay feed which was not live, BBC obviously sent it to other EBU channels so they can broadcast the show when they want it. I wanted to record the show but i didnt know where and WHEN the feed will be active becuase it was not live. I found it 30 minutes after the show already begin so its like i didnt find at all.

So, i am asking you .. how to find exact date, time, frequency for those feeds which are not live BEFORE they begin, is the any page where all channels can see where will be active some feed? They have to know frequency before it begin.

With LIVE sport/show feeds its easy because you know the date when it HAVE TO start, but with this you dont know nothing. And then you find 20-30 minutes later in the middle of the show..