Lost - Azbox Premium HD "How To"..


:mecry: Boy! I've read many many post concerning the Azbox "How-To" install OpenXcas,Multicast,Ccam etc. OpenXcas is installed on my AzBox Premium HD, but have not figured out how and why I need Ccam or Multicast. Do I need all three OpenXcas,Mulitcas,and Ccam to view stations? Their really seems to be no Azbox class 101 and CLEAR cut (easy to understand) directions for a newbie, on how and why you would want to install these modules and what they are for. I have not given up on configuring my AzBox but, if I knew it was this involved, I think I may have reconsidered purchasing it. The way I see it, I'll probably have a good understanding on all of this (maybe some Linux classes would help also) in about six to eight months. :(

:( (Any kind words of wisdom would be encouraging. Thank You!...