CCcam protocol analyser

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Staff member
CCcam protocol analyser v0.1 ALPHA (open source)

# CCcam protocol analyser v0.1 ALPHA #

This alpha code will provide you with the fundamental information needed to create a CCcam client/server. By extending this program you will gain a powerful tool when analyzing the protocol.

At this stage it includes the CCcam encryption and login process. It's not the full specifaction of the protocol, I only worked on it for about 3 days (reverse engineering and coding). By looking at the log generated by the tool you should figure out how the shares are transmitted to the client. The ecm part has some extra obfuscation, but you should be able to figure that out yourself…

Eclipse C/C++ project is included with the source code. You need the boost library installed, when building make sure to make a symbolic link boost_system-mt_s etc. this will allow static linking for a release build.

When you make use if this work, a small "thank you" notice in your release notes isn't much too ask. This code is placed under the GNU GPL V3. Also think about sharing your work with the community :)

Thanks silencer
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