About QBOXHD Emu manager


USB stick doesn t work. Tried 2 of them no way. Then tried manually through telnet: folder. Zip in root then var in var, etc in etc ... Put details of cccam server in conf. RESTARtED the qbox and blue button- panel. Green button start cccam says cam started but when ok and getting back it s no more there( no cam) went on C+ France or Cyfra ... Nothing.. For much time.
I admire those who say it works great! For me it doesn't work at all trying many times until headache is there.
Is it a fake?
Need help, much help.
Sending it to Duolabs in Italy costs its price including all fares. mine,It's a beta box with last filesystem in it(6-26-09)


Please show how to put details on
C: string.... In Radar. Config
I tried this way but it didn't work:
C:xxxxxx.no.ip:12000:xxxxx:password no { 0:0:2}

*the last emu from Busters is well set in qboxhd getting the 1.04 panel
*the radar cam well started and stays started
*skin in system menu restarted
*the qbox has the 10/7/09 filesystem in

should it be cccam version exlusively 2.0.11 or later versions too?

Any help for this last step would be appreciated