• Discussion in the Admin room about nightly images, we dont really need or want these posting for the following reasons.

    1. We all know where to get them.
    2. Never have a change log.
    3. The changes if any are not worthy of anyone upgrading there boxes on a daily basis.
    4. They clutter the forum up.

    Posts will be removed.


How to use 3 files intead of one?


Today we see new firmware version 1.4.41 from Golden Media Uni-Box for 9060 / 9080 Combo and 9060 Class.

The main change is a test function SMAP - a kind of fill prioriti sheet, which is incorporated in all known file hsdata.

In English it is described as follows:
cmd-> smap ~ degree ~ tp ~ service_id ~ caid ~ ecmpid ~ chid ~ commit
# Sample smap ~ 130 ~ 11 420 ~ 567 ~ 500 ~ 789 ~ 00 ~ abc tv
# For smap cmd. degree, tp should be decimal, service id, caid, ecmpid, chid should be hex. max support 256 service map
# Degree, tp, service_id. make sure which channel u want map.
# Caid, ecmpid, chid. make sure only this ecm is used for this service. all other ecm will be ignored.
# Sat degree. if east. like hotbird 13 east degree. will be 13 * 10 = 130. for west. like nilesat 7 west degree, will be (360-7) * 10 = 3530

Let's translate and analyze that which we enter and how it will work.

How to use 3 files intead of one?