• Discussion in the Admin room about nightly images, we dont really need or want these posting for the following reasons.

    1. We all know where to get them.
    2. Never have a change log.
    3. The changes if any are not worthy of anyone upgrading there boxes on a daily basis.
    4. They clutter the forum up.

    Posts will be removed.


Dharma Xbmc Modified CW3000/CW4000



This is Flying Highs work... It is not mine. The only thing
i did was add the plugin program directories, with Svn Repo
installer in order to add Navi-x. This is Dharma it runs on the

Unpack the rar...
You should then have a folder called ".xbmc "

Do as follows,

1. Fire Up Winscp log into the cw4k

2. Run Putty rwroot

3. You should be in the directory called root

4. You will see a directory called .xbmc delete it.

5. copy the folder .xbmc to root

6. go to putty roroot

7. Now go to xbmc in your cw4k

8. go to Programs -> Program Plugins -> SVN Repo Installer

9. go to xbmc-addons -> scripts -> Navi-x (v3.4.1) install it

It will install 3.5.1 Now here is the MOST IMPORTANT PART

Once installed go to navi-x open up navi-x updates now look at your version number
up in the right hand corner... where it will say 3.5.1 YOU MUST MAKE SURE TO UPDATE
NAVI-X One version up from that. If you try to go to 3.7.1 without the in between I will
not be held responsible for what could happen.... So we start off with 3.5.1 then
update that to V3.5.2 then exit restart Navi-x then Update to 3.5.3 Exit Restart etc
until you get to Version 3.7.1 Once there you are done... Enjoy Dharma and Navi-x
With you Cw4k...

Rememeber this is Flying Highs work... He deserves the Thanks I merely just added
a directory with the Repo Installer.....
